"Understanding is good. Feeling better is better." ™


Selected TCW Articles on Hypnotherapy

Weight Control: New Years Resolution: 10-Day Fast: Day 4

Day 4: 74.7 kilos

I lost 1 kilo in the last 24 hours. The water weight loss is slowing down. I’m going into ketosis. I’m burning more fat and less carbs. That’s just what I want. I’ve now lost a total of 3.3 kilos in 3 full days of fasting. My goal of 72.0 is getting closer. One unexpected side-effect: I find I’m staying up later at night. Reading till around midnight or even later. I’m not tired or sleepy. More energy?

I’m feeling much better this morning, skinner, stronger, head clearer. The spinning feeling is almost gone. I had almost no hunger or stomach rumblings yesterday. Just a touch around dinner time. Old patterns. My body saying it is time to eat. I had those thoughts a moment, then they passed. Gone and forgotten. The suggestions appear to be working (see prior posts). I did another 100 push-ups. Thought about running 10k but decided against it. It’s too cold, I told myself. Great excuse…

New Suggestions: “The fast is working for you. Ketosis is working for you. Your metabolism is burning fat. You are feeling lean. You are feeling great. Enjoy the hunger. Enjoy being empty. Your immunity is getting stronger. You’re losing weight. You enjoy exercise. You’re keeping your muscle mass. After you reach your goal of 72 kilos, you can restart your preferred Mediterranean Diet. When the time comes to end your fast, eat more fish, vegetables, fruit and olives; less bread and red meat and certainly less pastries. Learn about high and low carb foods: stay away from the former and eat more of the latter.”