"Understanding is good. Feeling better is better." ™


Selected TCW Articles on Hypnotherapy

Weight Control: New Years Resolution: 10-Day Fast: Day 3

Day 3: 75.7 kilos

I weighed 75.7 kilos this morning. I lost 1.2 kilos in 24 hours. That’s mostly water loss I’m guessing. But I am feeling thinner and lighter. The way this is going, I’m wondering if I’ll need 10 days of fasting to reach my goal of 72 kilos.

I feel good. I have more energy than yesterday. There’s less “brain fog” or head spinning. I did 100 push-ups: 50 in the morning and 50 in the afternoon.

During my self-hypnosis session I used new suggestions (see yesterday’s post). These suggestions cut down on my cravings. I still had a few thoughts of food, but then my mind moved on to other things. I didn’t get stuck on food. I also had fewer stomach rumblings. My body is adjusting to not eating. I drank a lot of water. This also helps to cut down on the cravings.

New Suggestions: “You can enjoy hunger, that feeling of being empty. Humans grew up that way. You are lean and strong. You’re more alert. You notice your surroundings. All the little details of daily life: the sky, the wind, the trees, the birds, the position of the sun and moon, the beauty of certain buildings, the people in the streets. You stay in the present, in the here and now. You’re living a simple, uncomplicated life, free of unnecessary fixations.”