"Understanding is good. Feeling better is better." ™


Selected TCW Articles on Hypnotherapy

Weight Control: New Years Resolution: 10-Day Fast: Day 2

Day 2: 76.9 kilos

This morning I’m feeling a little weak, a little slow. My head is spinning some. Even so, I can work. I can walk. I can drive. It’s part of the adjustment process. My body is searching for different sources of energy. Moving from burning sugar and carbs to burning fat.

I weighed 76.9 kilos this morning. That means I lost 1.1 kilos in 24 hours. Most of that is water loss. The real weight loss begins about 2-3 days from now. That’s when ketosis kicks-in. My goal is to reach 72.0 kilos and, more importantly, to stay there. Keeping the weight off is always the most difficult thing. That’s where hypnosis really helps.

I had a lot of cravings yesterday. Just seeing food made me want to eat. Strange thing though, I wasn’t really hungry. My stomach rumbled some but that went away. This makes me think there’s a subconscious link: see food, eat food. I’ll address that in future self-hypnosis sessions.

New Suggestions: “It’s ok to look at food. But then look away. You can see it. But don’t get fixed on it. Let your mind move on to another subject. Let your eyes see something else. Remember, humans evolved over millions of years. Most times they went long periods without food. It’s natural to fast. Our species grew up that way. Our bodies are made for fasting. It allows us to call on hidden resources, hidden reserves, hidden strengths. It’s natural.”