"Understanding is good. Feeling better is better." ™


Selected TCW Articles on Hypnotherapy

Trading & Investing: Using Hypnosis to Prepare for the Day

This post aims to take you into a light level of hypnosis. If you don’t want to go into hypnosis, you may stop reading this post now…


It is possible

To go into hypnosis

With your eyes open

Take in a deep breath

Let it out



In your car

You daydream


This daydreaming creates

Time distortion

You’re thinking about something else

And you pass your exit

This is a form of hypnosis

You do it in your car

With your eyes open

So now

Take another deep breath

Let it out



Get in touch with your body

Your body is your subconscious

Feel for your heartbeat

Feel for your pulse

Take another deep breath

Let it out



Feel for your heartbeat

Feel for your pulse

Time is slowing down

You are reading these words


Very slowly

Your breath is coming slower too

Connect with your body

Connect with your subconscious

Connect with

The part of your mind

That controls your heartbeat

That controls your breath

Feel for your heartbeat

Feel for your pulse

Relax even more


Your level

Of relaxation

Allow a sense of inner peace

To grow within you

You are going to have

A good day trading

You are going to have

A good day investing

This doesn’t mean

You’ll necessarily make money

It means

By being




At peace within yourself

You will be ready

To deal with



If they arise

So take another deep breath

Let it out


Get in touch with your body

Your body is your subconscious

Feel for your heartbeat

Feel for your pulse


Now then


Just imagine


You are in a small quaint village

At the foot of

A tall green mountain

It’s springtime

There’s snow way up on top

It’s melting

It’s coming down the mountainside

In small streams at first

And then

Lower down

In rushing torrents

You take a trail

Out of the village

Up the side of the mountain

Next to a rushing stream

The whitewater roars in your ears

But as you move higher

The stream gets smaller

And the roar reduces to a gentle trickle

The air smells clean

The trail crunches beneath your boots

You’re alone

It feels good to be alone

You’re making your own decisions

Which trail to take

How fast to go

How high to go

When to come back down

You feel good

You enjoy the exercise

The higher you go

The trail gets steeper



Less traveled

Few people climb this high

But you’re in good health

You enjoy the challenge

Using your strength

Using your instincts

Using your senses

To go higher and higher

Up that mountain trail

Where few people go

There are big trees around you

Huge trees

Quiet trees

Powerful trees


With massive trunks

They are tilted into the slope

So they point straight up

At the sky

You walk up the trail among them

Marveling at their size

Marveling at their precarious position

Yet they live up here

Quite well actually

They’re adapted to it


High up on this mountainside

Where few people go

It’s a different world up here

You can see

Far below

The village you left earlier

You have a warm fire

And a good meal

Waiting for you there

But for now

You want to keep going

Up the mountain trail


Just above you

Only a little way farther

There’s a green plateau

It’s flat


Covered in long green grasses


You walk farther up the trail

To get to it

The stream next to the trail

Is smaller now



You can see snow banks

Melting into it


There’s snow on the trail

It crunches beneath your boots

At length

You arrive at the green plateau

The ground is soft beneath your boots

The grass a long and luxuriant


You see you’re about halfway up the mountain

This is a good place to rest

To relax

To lie down and decide

Which way do you want to go?



It’s your choice

But right now

The most important thing

Is to relax and

Enjoy the grassy plateau

Enjoy the view

Enjoy your life

High up on this mountainside

Where few people go


Now then

Return to the here and now

Ready for your trading day

Ready for your investing day

Ready to face whatever challenges

That may await you

With a sense of confidence


And inner peace

Thomas C. Williams

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Copyright © 2018 by Thomas C. Williams