"Understanding is good. Feeling better is better." ™


Selected TCW Articles on Hypnotherapy

Worried about Burnout? Here's what you can do...

What is burnout?

In my experience the answer is simple: It’s when you’ve been following other people’s goals, sometimes since childhood, and you can’t take it anymore. You’re tired, exhausted, fed-up. There is no joy in your life, no spontaneity, no freedom. You work all the time. But you’re never satisfied, never happy, never fulfilled. You don’t live in the present. You’re too busy worrying about the past. Or too busy feeling anxious about the future. You feel trapped in a negative spiral: you work hard to fulfill other people’s goals. But you never have time to discover your own goals, never have time to discover yourself.

After working for so many years, maybe even decades, you don’t know who you really are because you’re always trying to fulfill other people’s goals. As a result, you’re tired, exhausted, fed-up, maybe even depressed.

That’s burnout.

So what can you do about it?

Find a pen and paper and make two lists. The first list contains all the goals, benchmarks, and values other people have given you. Usually these goals come from several sources: your parents, your family, your business, your religion, your culture. The second list contains all the goals you have for yourself. Usually these things will bring you joy, energy, good health and spontaneity. They will help you to live in the present. They will help you to enjoy life and be happy.

Notice something interesting: the two lists are not mutually exclusive. They can both exist at the same time. One list doesn’t mean the other list must be forgotten or wiped out. It’s all about balance. Finding the right equilibrium between the two lists: that’s work-life balance.

If you need more help, consider scheduling an individual session either in my office or via Zoom. If you have questions, give me a call or text: (+336) 17 83 86 96. If you prefer group work, checkout my Meetup group: English Hypnosis Paris.