"Understanding is good. Feeling better is better." ™


Selected TCW Articles on Hypnotherapy

Expat Angst

You know that feeling. You’re living in a foreign country far from home. You don’t speak the language. You don’t understand the culture. You feel out of place. You miss your friends and family. You miss your favorite TV programs. You miss your favorite foods. You miss your hometown. Your next assignment will likely be overseas too. So just when you get settled, you have to pull up stakes and move to another unfamiliar environment. It’s a lot of pressure—pressure on you, your marriage, your kids.

Welcome to Expat Angst—a kind of nagging anxiety, worry, nervousness, apprehension, even fear. Sometimes it causes you to be angry with others. Sometimes you just want to stay home, isolated from the challenges that await you in that strange world outside. Sometimes you want to just chuck-it all and go back home, back to where everything is safe and familiar.

These feelings are natural for ex-patriots. Most of us have them at one time or another. The key to overcoming these feelings is to discover and deal with their root cause. But often times, the root cause doesn’t lie with the foreign environment. The ex-patriot experience has merely awakened a long-simmering problem which was successfully ignored or suppressed in a more comfortable setting.

Hypnotherapy can help you discover and heal any lingering worries or fears which may be holding you back from enjoying your expat lifestyle. It can help you discover your true self, overcome your nagging concerns, develop your core strengths.

Yes, the ex-patriot experience is full of challenges. But it’s also full of opportunities: to expand your horizons, to travel the world, to meet new people, to see your own life in a new and exciting way.

In short, hypnotherapy can help you overcome your Expat Angst so you can expand your comfort zone and start to enjoy your overseas lifestyle with a sense of confidence, optimism and strength.

Thomas C. Williams

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Copyright © 2018 by Thomas C. Williams