"Understanding is good. Feeling better is better." ™


Selected TCW Articles on Hypnotherapy

Parts Therapy: What Is It?

Parts Therapy come in handy when someone has conflicting desires or goals.

Let’s say you want to stop smoking. You try and try but for some reason you just can’t seem to stick to your plan. You know you really need to quit smoking but there’s a voice inside you saying, “Oh why not? One more cigarette won’t make a difference.” Then the whole cycle starts over again. More cigarettes. More frustrations. More conflicts with yourself and others. All this even though you’ve promised yourself a million times you’re going to quit smoking.

In short, one part of you wants to quit smoking but another part doesn’t want to quit. It’s an internal conflict, a struggle between your conscious and subconscious minds. You have a conscious goal—to quit smoking—but something in your subconscious mind sabotages your best efforts.

This is where Parts Therapy comes in.

Once in hypnosis, the conflicting parts speak with each other in order to find a resolution to their conflict. By the end of the conversation, a person’s conscious and subconscious minds are brought into alignment. They work together, rather than against each other, to help the client reach his/her goals.

This, in a nutshell, is Parts Therapy.

I’ve used it to help clients with emotional issues, to lose weight, to speak better in public, to improve their trading and investment performance, to stop smoking, as well as a host of other issues.

If you feel like you’re conflicted, like you just can’t get anything done, like you’re swinging between two extremes, like there’s a constant battle going on inside your head, Parts Therapy may be right for you. It’s fast. It’s easy. And it works. Give me call today to set up an appointment. We’ll see if Parts Therapy is right for your situation.

Thomas C. Williams

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Copyright © 2018 by Thomas C. Williams